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MycoAcademy podcast series

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Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in medical mycology wherever you are. With on-demand access, you can learn at your own pace and revisit episodes whenever you want.

Series 1: Looking back to look forward: The impact of the environment on fungal infections.
  • Episode 1: The expanding threat of endemic mycoses – this episode explores the factors that led to an increase in the geographical range of some endemic mycoses and why this may become a global health concern. Host: Prof. Martin Hoenigl; Guest speaker: Ana Alastruey Izquierdo

  • Episode 2: A dangerous combination: COVID-19 and invasive mould infections – this episode focusses on the interplay between COVID-19 and invasive mould infections, including how respiratory viruses have changed the landscape of fungal infections, potential mechanisms for these interactions, and why some countries were more affected than others by COVID-19 co-infection. Host: Prof. Martin Hoenigl; Guest speaker: Prof. Joost Wauters

  • Episode 3: Our changing environment and evolving fungal landscape – This episode explores the impact of climate change, natural disasters and industrial activities on the fungal landscape. Host: Prof. Martin Hoenigl; Guest speaker: Prof. Jean-Pierre Gangneux

In the coming series, you can expect in-depth discussion on a wide range of topics.
Series 2: Aspergillus infections in a haematology–oncology (haem–onc) setting: Know your foes.

This series will provide an overview of Aspergillus infections in a haem–onc setting, including the differences between patients with and without neutropenia, and discuss the diagnostic methods currently available for invasive aspergillosis.

Series 3: Navigating Candida infections in critically ill patients: How far have we come?

This series will discuss the rise of Candida infections in critically ill patients, explore the challenges in source control implementation and discuss the diagnostic methods currently available for invasive candidiasis in critically ill patients.

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